Recycling practices can differ by community. Be sure to check with your local city recycling programs. Putting non-recyclable items in your bin can contaminate the recycling stream and disrupt the recycling process. When in doubt, throw it out!

Recycling Services


  • Sort and separate each recyclable into bins, paper bags or cardboard boxes

  • Bring recyclables to one of the MinnKota Recycling Centers

  • We will issue a check for the weight of the recyclables at 2¢ per pound

  • If your recyclables equal less than $2.00, we will provide you with a redemption card so you can accumulate weight up to 100 pounds prior to receiving a check

for sorted recyclables brought
to our redemption centers

  • # 1 and #2 plastic bottles with a neck (meaning it is smaller at the top than it is on the bottom.) This includes soda, milk, detergent and shampoo bottles

  • Steel and tin cans

  • Sorted white or pastel-colored bond paper, typing paper, index cards, envelopes with or without windows, premium bond computer paper and sorted junk mail

  • Newspaper, shoppers and anything that is delivered in the newspaper, including glossy inserts

  • Magazines, small catalogs, and similar printed material with glossy pages

Current Aluminum Can Pricing

- Less than 100 pounds 40¢ per pound
- 100 to 499 pounds 43¢ per pound
- 500 or more pounds 45¢ per pound